Z Home Fusion
£14.99Per Month
  • Unlimited UK Minutes
  • Inclusive anytime calls to UK landlines and mobiles
  • 100 Minutes for selected international destinations
  • Line Rental


  • Seamless integration of line rental and calling minutes with cutting-edge features and connectivity

Z Home Fusion
£17.99Per Month
  • Unlimited UK Minutes
  • Inclusive anytime calls to UK landlines and mobiles
  • 100 Minutes for selected international destinations
  • Line Rental


  • Seamless integration of line rental and calling minutes with cutting-edge features and connectivity

Z Home Fusion
£19.99Per Month
  • Unlimited UK Minutes
  • Inclusive anytime calls to UK landlines and mobiles
  • 100 Minutes for selected international destinations
  • Line Rental


  • Seamless integration of line rental and calling minutes with cutting-edge features and connectivity